Thursday, November 1, 2012

Jean Haines – Repost With Update: UAW Charges Romney With Profiteering From Auto Bailout – Viralize This One!

UPDATE: It is about 8:45 pm Pacific Time here (three hours earlier than the East Coast of the United States). I’ve Googled this story title, and it is going viral on the internet, BUT not one single major news organization is reporting this story, except Huffington Post, which is telling the story in a very mild fashion. Since about 5:45, organizations like Truthout, NationfofChange, and The DailyKos have begun to run the story. Can the major news outlets keep this story from us? Will they try? ~J
Earlier today:
I’ll be interested to read all about this in the MSM, if indeed they have the courage to talk about it! ~J


Toledo, Ohio – Wednesday Evening October 31, 2012
For Mitt Romney, it’s one scary Halloween.  The Presidential candidate has just learned that tomorrow afternoon (November 1) he will be charged by the United Automobile Workers (UAW) and other public interest groups with violating the federal ethics in government law by improperly concealing his multi-million dollar windfall from the auto industry bailout.
At a press conference in Toledo, Bob King, President of the United Automobile Workers, will announce that his union and Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW)  have filed a formal complaint with the US Office of Government Ethics in Washington stating that Gov. Romney improperly hid a profit of $15.3 million to $115.0 million in Ann Romney’s so-called “blind” trust.
The union chief says, “The American people have a right to know about Gov. Romney’s potential conflicts of interest, such as the profits his family made from the auto rescue. It’s time for Gov. Romney to disclose or divest.”
“While Romney was opposing the rescue of one of the nation’s most important manufacturing sectors, he was building his fortunes with his Delphi investor group, making his fortunes off the misfortunes of others,” King added.
The Romneys’ gigantic windfall was hidden inside an offshore corporation inside a limited partnership inside a trust which both concealed the gain and reduces taxes on it.  
The Romneys’ windfall was originally exposed in Nation Magazine (and reposted on Truthout,) Mitt Romney’s Bail-out Bonanza after a worldwide investigation by our crew at The Guardian, the Nation Institute and the Palast Investigative Fund.
The full story of Romney and his “vulture fund” partners is in the New York Times bestseller, “Billionaires & Ballot Bandits,” available from Truthout with a contribution by clicking here.
According to ethics law expert Dan Curry who drafted the ethics complaint, Ann Romney does not have a federally-approved blind trust.  An approved “blind” trust may not be used to hide a major investment which could be affected by Romney if he were to be elected President.  Other groups joining the UAW and CREW include Public Citizen, the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), Public Campaign, People for the American Way and The Social Equity Group.
President Obama’s approved trust, for example, contains only highly-diversified mutual funds on which presidential action can have little effect.  By contrast, the auto bail-out provided a windfall of over 4,000% on one single Romney investment.
In 2009, Ann Romney partnered with her husband’s key donor, billionaire Paul Singer, who secretly bought a controlling interest in Delphi Auto, the former GM auto parts division.  Singer’s hedge fund, Elliott Management, threatened to cut off GM’s supply of steering columns unless GM and the government’s TARP auto bailout fund provided Delphi with huge payments.  While the US treasury complained this was “extortion,” the hedge funds received, ultimately, $12.9 billion in taxpayer subsidies.  
As a result, the shares Singer and Romney bought for just 67 cents are today worth over $30, a 4,000% gain.  Singer’s hedge fund made a profit of $1.27 billion and the Romney’s tens of millions.  
The UAW complaint calls for Romney to reveal exactly how much he made off Delphi — and continues to make.  The Singer syndicate, once in control of Delphi, eliminated every single UAW job –25,000– and moved almost all auto parts production to Mexico and China where Delphi now employs 25,000 auto parts workers.

Forensic Economist Greg Palast’s investigative reports can be seen on BBC Television.  His latest bestseller, Billionaires & Ballot Bandits: How to Steal an Election in 9 Easy Steps contains a comic book by Ted Rall and chapters by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.  “Billionaires & Ballot Bandits” is available along with Palast’s “Why We Occupy” DVD directly from Truthout by clicking here. link to original article

Nigel Farage - We Are Headed To A ‘One World Government’

In an incredibly powerful interview, today MEP (Member European Parliament) Nigel Farage told King World News, “They even want to get eurozone countries to change their constitutions, to write in their constitutions that they will obey all orders from Brussels.”   Farage also warned “So it is very, very difficult to ignore those voices who have been telling me for 20 years that behind all of this there are a group of people that want to create a one world government ... it’s beginning to stare us in the face.”

Farage also discussed gold, but first, here is what he had to say about the ongoing crisis:  “We’ve reached a point in this where, despite the massive economic the massive economic, political, and social problems that exist within the eurozone, and indeed an argument that the North and the South of Europe are diverging by the day, despite all of that, the political class have got so much the upper hand in Brussels, that, actually, they are moving to more and more extreme tactics.” 

“(This is being done) to lock countries in to a new form of government which is so far removed from any concept of liberal democracy that I think it’s quite frightening.  So I really made the point yesterday (in Parliament) that all of these bailouts that we’ve seen, (were designed to have) they (the countries) get put directly under the command and control of the institutions of the European Union.

And frankly, their prime ministers become puppets.  And in terms of the people that want to create the European state, they are delighted.  They would almost like everyone to go bankrupt and then they are really in charge....

“For example, in Ireland recently, the troika, and just to remind to remind people, that is the European Central Bank, the European Commission, and the IMF, 50 officials descended upon Dublin.  They went through the books, and they sat down with the Irish Prime Minister Enda Kenny, and told him exactly what he must do with spending and with government taxation.

I mean there is almost no point in the people of Ireland going through the process of holding democratic elections anymore when the bureaucrats are totally in control.  And van Rompuy wants to take this a stage further.  He now wants to get all of the members of the eurozone to actually sign, you know sign in blood, binding agreements that say that they will only implement budgets as they are allowed to implement by him.  And if a parliament in any of the eurozone countries was to vote through a budget which was different than that approved by the European institutions, it would be legally struck down. 

They even want to get eurozone countries to change their constitutions, to write in their constitutions that they will obey all orders from Brussels.  Now this is just monstrous, and I must say that it’s not just the Europeans on their own.  I mean the IMF in Washington, which of course the US is an 18% shareholder in, they’ve suddenly become part of this great game.

Last week we even saw the Nobel Prize Committee, and they come out supporting the European Union and giving them the Peace Prize.  So it is very, very difficult to ignore those voices, who have been telling me for 20 years that behind all of this there are a group of people that want to create a ‘one world government.’  

I’ve tried to ignore those arguments and say, ‘Look, let’s not be too conspiratorial about this.’  But goodness me, it’s beginning to stare us in the face.”

Farage had this to say regarding gold:  “I think just as my view that the eurozone is going to take longer to break down, and that the severe, underlying banking crises that lie behind it may be staved off for a bit longer, I think the moment at which gold reaches the really big peaks that I think it can reach, maybe that’s been deferred a bit.

Maybe it’s going to take longer for all of this to come to a head, but you certainly wouldn’t want to be short of gold, you’d want to be long of gold.  And we’re probably in one of those markets now where you are going to have to display a little bit of patience.

But I do firmly think if you get any dips on gold from here that it should be bought.”

© 2012 by King World News®. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.  However, linking directly to the blog page is permitted and encouraged. 

The information above was just a small portion of this incredible interview with Farage.  He discussed the ongoing crisis in Europe, the move to a one world government, gold, what type of chaos to expect going forward and much more.  The KWN audio interview with Nigel Farage is available now and you can listen to it byCLICKING HERE.

The interviews with MEP Nigel Farage, Dr. Stephen Leeb, Rick Rule, James Turk, Egon von Greyerz, Jean-Marie Eveillard and Bill Fleckenstein are available now.  Also, be sure to listen to other recent KWN interviews which included, Art Cashin (UBS $612 billion), Jeffrey Saut (R.J. $360 billion) and John Embry by CLICKING HERE.

Eric King

Major Banks, Governmental Officials and Their Comrade Capitalists Targets of Spire Law Group, LLP's Racketeering and Money Laundering Lawsuit Seeking Return of $43 Trillion to the United States Treasury

Oct. 25, 2012, 2:09 p.m. EDT
NEW YORK, Oct. 25, 2012 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- Spire Law Group, LLP's national home owners' lawsuit, pending in the venue where the "Banksters" control their $43 trillion racketeering scheme (New York) - known as the largest money laundering and racketeering lawsuit in United States History and identifying $43 trillion ($43,000,000,000,000.00) of laundered money by the "Banksters" and their U.S. racketeering partners and joint venturers - now pinpoints the identities of the key racketeering partners of the "Banksters" located in the highest offices of government and acting for their own self-interests.
In connection with the federal lawsuit now impending in the United States District Court in Brooklyn, New York (Case No. 12-cv-04269-JBW-RML) - involving, among other things, a request that the District Court enjoin all mortgage foreclosures by the Banksters nationwide, unless and until the entire $43 trillion is repaid to a court-appointed receiver - Plaintiffs now establish the location of the $43 trillion ($43,000,000,000,000.00) of laundered money in a racketeering enterprise participated in by the following individuals (without limitation): Attorney General Holder acting in his individual capacity, Assistant Attorney General Tony West, the brother in law of Defendant California Attorney General Kamala Harris (both acting in their individual capacities), Jon Corzine (former New Jersey Governor), Robert Rubin (former Treasury Secretary and Bankster), Timothy Geitner, Treasury Secretary (acting in his individual capacity), Vikram Pandit (recently resigned and disgraced Chairman of the Board of Citigroup), Valerie Jarrett (a Senior White House Advisor), Anita Dunn (a former "communications director" for the Obama Administration), Robert Bauer (husband of Anita Dunn and Chief Legal Counsel for the Obama Re-election Campaign), as well as the "Banksters" themselves, and their affiliates and conduits. The lawsuit alleges serial violations of the United States Patriot Act, the Policy of Embargo Against Iran and Countries Hostile to the Foreign Policy of the United States, and the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (commonly known as the RICO statute) and other State and Federal laws.
In the District Court lawsuit, Spire Law Group, LLP -- on behalf of home owner across the Country and New York taxpayers, as well as under other taxpayer recompense laws -- has expanded its mass tort action into federal court in Brooklyn, New York, seeking to halt all foreclosures nationwide pending the return of the $43 trillion ($43,000,000,000.00) by the "Banksters" and their co-conspirators, seeking an audit of the Fed and audits of all the "bailout programs" by an independent receiver such as Neil Barofsky, former Inspector General of the TARP program who has stated that none of the TARP money and other "bailout money" advanced from the Treasury has ever been repaid despite protestations to the contrary by the Defendants as well as similar protestations by President Obama and the Obama Administration both publicly on national television and more privately to the United States Congress. Because the Obama Administration has failed to pursue any of the "Banksters" criminally, and indeed is actively borrowing monies for Mr. Obama's campaign from these same "Banksters" to finance its political aspirations, the national group of plaintiff home owners has been forced to now expand its lawsuit to include racketeering, money laundering and intentional violations of the Iranian Nations Sanctions and Embargo Act by the national banks included among the "Bankster" Defendants.
The complaint - which has now been fully served on thousands of the "Banksters and their Co-Conspirators" - makes it irrefutable that the epicenter of this laundering and racketeering enterprise has been and continues to be Wall Street and continues to involve the very "Banksters" located there who have repeatedly asked in the past to be "bailed out" and to be "bailed out" in the future.
The Havens for the money laundering schemes - and certain of the names and places of these entities - are located in such venues as Switzerland, the Isle of Man, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Cypress and entities controlled by governments adverse to the interests of the United States Sanctions and Embargo Act against Iran, and are also identified in both the United Nations and the U.S. Senate's recent reports on international money laundering. Many of these entities have already been personally served with summons and process of the complaint during the last six months. It is now beyond dispute that, while the Obama Administration was publicly encouraging loan modifications for home owners by "Banksters", it was privately ratifying the formation of these shell companies in violation of the United States Patriot Act, and State and Federal law. The case further alleges that through these obscure foreign companies, Bank of America, J.P. Morgan, Wells Fargo Bank, Citibank, Citigroup, One West Bank, and numerous other federally chartered banks stole trillions of dollars of home owners' and taxpayers' money during the last decade and then laundered it through offshore companies.
This District Court Complaint - maintained by Spire Law Group, LLP -- is the only lawsuit in the world listing as Defendants the Banksters, let alone serving all of such Banksters with legal process and therefore forcing them to finally answer the charges in court. Neither the Securities and Exchange Commission, nor the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, nor the Office of the Attorney General, nor any State Attorney General has sued the Banksters and thereby legally chased them worldwide to recover-back the $43 trillion ($43,000,000,000,000.00) and other lawful damages, injunctive relief and other legal remedies.
James N. Fiedler, Managing Partner of Spire Law Group, LLP, stated: "It is hard for me to believe as a 47-year lawyer that our nation's guardians have been unwilling to stop this theft. Spire Law Group, LLP stands for the elimination of corruption and implementation of lawful strategies, and that is what we're doing here. Spire Law Group, LLP's charter is to not allow such corruption to go unanswered."
Comments were requested from the Attorney Generals' offices in NY, CA, NV, NH , OH, MA and the White House, but no comment was provided.
About Spire Law Group
Spire Law Group, LLP is a national law firm whose motto is "the public should be protected -- at all costs -- from corruption in whatever form it presents itself." The Firm is comprised of lawyers nationally with more than 250-years of experience in a span of matters ranging from representing large corporations and wealthy individuals, to also representing the masses. The Firm is at the front lines litigating against government officials, banks, defunct loan pools, and now the very offshore entities where the corruption was enabled and perpetrated.
Contact: James N. Fiedler877-438-8766
SOURCE Spire Law Group, LLP
Copyright (C) 2012 PR Newswire. All rights reserved 

Bank of England director: Occupy was right

Published: Oct. 30, 2012 at 2:30 AM
LONDON, Oct. 30 (UPI) -- The protesters who occupied Wall Street and parts of London and other cities were morally and intellectually right, a senior Bank of England official said.
"Some have suggested ... that Occupy's voice has been loud but vague -- long on problems, short on solutions," Andrew Haldane, a member of the central bank's Financial Policy Committee, told an event called "Socially Useful Banking," organized by Occupy Economics, an offshoot of the Occupy movement, in London Monday night.
"Others have argued that the fault lines in the global financial system, which chasmed during the crisis, are essentially unaltered -- that reform has failed," he said.
"I wish to argue that both are wrong -- that Occupy's voice has been both loud and persuasive and that policymakers have listened and are acting in ways which will close those fault lines," said Haldane, the bank's executive director of financial stability.
"In fact, I want to argue that we are in the early stages of a reformation of finance, a reformation which Occupy has helped stir," he said.
"Occupy has been successful in its efforts to popularize the problems of the global financial system for one very simple reason -- they are right," said Haldane, 45.
He added that protesters who camped out in New York, London and dozens of other cities "touched a moral nerve in pointing to growing inequities in the allocation of wealth."
But the nerve the movement touched was in fact more than just moral, he said -- it was intellectual, borne out by facts.
"For the hard-headed facts suggest that, at the heart of the global financial crisis, were -- and are -- problems of deep and rising inequality," he said.
Haldane ended with a direct appeal to activists to continue putting pressure on governments and regulators.
"You have put the arguments. You have helped win the debate. And policymakers, like me, will need your continuing support in delivering that radical change," he said.

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Overpopulation Is a Eugenics Agenda Lie

November 1, 2012

Nearly every day, the mainstream media dispenses new articles reinforcing the idea that humans are infesting the earth, overpopulating it like parasites and sucking it dry of resources. The magic number — 7 billion — is thrown at us like an accusation and a curse, as if the mere fact this many people are now living on the planet is an automatic death sentence for the world and everything on it.

TIME‘s Bryan Walsh declared the environment would be the real victim of overpopulation. In his article “Zero Population Growth = Healthier Planet?,” Tim Wall of Discovery News wrote, “A stable number of humans on the planet doesn’t necessarily mean less impact on the environment. But it helps.” Climate change author Mary Ellen Harte and Anne Erhlich, policy coordinator for Stanford’s Center for Conservation Biology, asked the question, “The world’s biggest problem?” then answered with “too many people” in the LA Times. Reuters Nina Chestney recently reported that 100 million people will die by 2030 due to anthropogenic climate change wreaking havoc on the planet, while at the same time, U.S. carbon emissions are at a 20-year low.
One Washington Post reader even wrote, “Living within our global means will require a radical drop in the Earth’s population, starting now,” in an op-ed the organization saw fit to publish.
These articles never admit it, but the point is not to educate people on the environment and population growth. The real design is programming us to accept population control. The real meaning behind it?
Dropping Birth Rates
The mainstream media always tosses out a lot of broad, vague concepts about how the world is overpopulated to the total detriment of the environment, as if it is just an accepted, incontrovertible fact.
Are we in dire straights? Is the Earth becoming so overburdened by the burgeoning human population that it’s about to plummet out of space?
No. Not even close. In fact, when the actual data is considered, the only thing dropping, and fast, are human birth rates.
Many countries’ have zero or even negative population growth, with birth rates below national replacement rates — the degree upon which a population replaces itself.
As it stands, the Western European countries of Germany, Holland, Belgium, Spain, Italy, and Sweden have total fertility rates below the replacement rate. Denmark saw 4,400 fewer children born in 2011 than in 2010, with projections in 2012 on track for the nation having its lowest birth rate on record since 1988.
Canada’s birth rate fell to 10.5 per 1,000 people in 2002, the lowest it had been since 1921. New figures in 2011 showed it had dipped even further to 10.28. Australia’s birth rate decline over the past two decades is so worrisome to its government that it introduced “extensive changes” to taxes and benefits that would assist families and encourage growth.
China, a nation typically (but incorrectly) called out as experiencing a continuous population boon comparative to rabbits, has seen its birth rates decline from 16.12 per 1,000 people in 2000 to 12.31 in 2012. Mexico’s population explosion is now a myth similar to China’s; in 2010, The Economist declared the country’s birth rate to be in “free fall.”
Russia’s 2012 birth rate was lower at 10.94 per 1,000 people than its death rate at 16.03 per 1,000 people. Russia has the second highest death rate of any country in the world.
In 2009, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared South Korea to have the world’s lowest birth rate for the second year in a row; North Korea’s birth rates were also in steep decline, from 20.43 per 1,000 people in 2000 to 14.51 per 1,000 people in 2012. Japan’s government is now estimating that if birth rates in the country continue to decline on the same trend as seen in the past few decades, the nation’s population will shrink 30 percent by 2060.
Morocco, Syria, and Saudi Arabia’s fertility rates have all declined nearly 60 percent overall.Singapore’s birth rates dropped so low in 2012 (1.2 per 1,000 people), the nation’s Prime Minister’s office released a paper to combat the “serious” issue entitled, “Our Population Our Future.”
While birth rates for both boys and girls are dropping in India, baby girl births are showing a much sharper decline than baby boys. Poland officially has one of the lowest birth rates in the world as well.
Finally, American birth rates have fallen to the lowest levels since the Great Depression, with the 2011 fertility rate being the lowest reported in all of U.S. History.
The highest birth rates in 2012 were reported in the African nations of Niger and Uganda, but these two countries also have some of the lowest overall life expectancy rates at 54 and 53 years respectively as when compared with the U.S. or the U.K., where life expectancy rates are nearly 30 years higher.
According to a population growth study conducted by University of Minnesota Ecology Professor Clarence Lehman, “Human population growth has turned ‘a very sharp corner’ and is now slowing, on its way to leveling off in the next century.”
Rising Disease Rates
While birth and fertility rates are dropping en masse, other figures are rising just as quickly.
WHO has estimated that Alzheimer’s and other debilitating dementias effect 24.3 million people and are rising in developing countries; WHO has announced this number is now expected to double every 20 years. Childhood Leukemia and brain cancers are on the rise as well, with figures jumping about one percent every year for each of the last 20 years. Autoimmune diseases are rocketing off the charts. Celiac disease — an autoimmune disorder that causes the body to attack the small intestine which has the primary function of nutrient absorption — now afflicts five times as many Americans than it did in the 1950s. According to the American Diabetes Association, the incidence of type 1 diabetes in American youth increased 23 percent just between 2001 and 2009. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) admitted in a study released earlier this year that autism now afflicts one in every 88 children.
“It clearly suggests that environmental factors are at play due to the significant increase in these diseases,” explained Virginia Ladd, President and Executive Director of the American Autoimmune Related Diseases Association (AARDA). “Genes do not change in such a short period of time.”
Are We Killing the Environment or Is It Killing Us?
What environmental factors could be making people so abundantly ill? There are so many lovely options to choose from.
Could it be the vaccines laced with heavy metals and formaldehyde? Isn’t it ironic that public service announcements constantly tell us smoking is bad because cigarettes contain formaldehyde andformaldehyde causes cancer, something even the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) warns us about, but shooting a baby up with formaldehyde in a vaccine is somehow supposed to be perfectly acceptable? Administering a two month old one shot for diphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis, and hepatitis B, and one shot for polio would mean shooting 200 micrograms of formaldehyde straight into the infant’s bloodstream; that’s just one set of vaccines. The average American child is set to receive 36 inoculations by the time he or she is five years old.
Perhaps it is the genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in our food which have been shown in studies (the ones not funded by Monsanto) to cause everything from infertility and liver disease, totumors and death, all courtesy of Big Agra, the same companies to bring us DDT and Agent Orange.
Or is it geoengineering otherwise known by some as “chemtrails,” science’s “answer” to the man-made global warming hoax that involves planes spraying a chemical mixture of strontium, barium salts and aluminum particles into our atmosphere? Michael Murphy of the chemtrail documentary “What in the World Are They Spraying?” notes that the effect of having these toxic chemicals sprayed on us without our consent “has been devastating to crops, wildlife and human health.” The latest proposal to geoengineer our planet will only cost us a mere $5 billion dollars per year, and although there is evidence these programs have been going on since at least the ’90s, officials still will not fully admit it. The mainstream media has to sell it to us first.
As if our air and food being poisoned isn’t enough, artificial fluoride, a chemical waste byproduct of aluminum and phosphate fertilizer manufacturing, is being dumped into municipal water across the U.S. and all over the world. The water in Nazi concentration camps was purposefully fluoridated, and it’s not likely Adolf Hitler was worried about the inmates’ dental health. Studies on fluoride’s detrimental health effects are numerous; fluoride has been shown to negatively impact every soft tissue in the body. Fluoride has been tied to kidney damage, arthritis, thyroid disease, pineal gland calcification, endocrine disruption, infertility, bone cancer, cardiovascular disease, joint damage, gastrointestinal issues, and lowered IQ. What’s even more twisted? If Americans want artificial fluoride removed from our public water sources, we actually have to fight our city councils in many cases.
Perhaps it’s all the pharmaceuticals people are taking. In the U.S. alone, prescription medications kill an estimated 300% more people than illegal drugs. The American Medical Association (AMA) admits that, conservatively, the adverse reactions of FDA-approved medications kill nearly 300 people every single day — causing over 106,000 deaths in the U.S. per year. This meanspharmaceuticals kill more Americans than most cancers (except lung), Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, kidney disease, liver disease, traffic accidents or violence. And that’s just here in the United States.
Overpopulation Is a Myth
This depopulation agenda is foisted on people through the “green” movement, something that can make people feel all warm and squishy inside because they’re doing something “good” for the environment; the flipside to that coin is the elites’ ultimate agenda for mass death under the guise of saving the Earth.
According to the Population Research Institute (PRI), the myth of overpopulation has been brought up again and again over the past few centuries for to scare people into accepting a eugenics agenda:
Multiple sources from PRI to National Geographic’s Robert Kunzig claim that, when the math is done properly, every family on the planet could have a house with a yard and reside in a land mass the size of Texas.
Texas is just under 269,000 square miles of the entire Earth’s 57.5 million square miles of land. Perhaps the state would not readily have the resources to support that many people, but that is not the point. The point is that it could be done.
British Scholar Thomas Malthus (1766-1838) is credited with the original theory of population “growth” which was, really, just an argument for population control. Malthus argued that population increases would eventually lead to starvation and poverty, thus he felt the lower classes should have their family sizes regulated. Darwin admitted in his autobiography that his theory of natural selection was based in part on Malthus’ work.
Fast forward to today, when we have eugenicist billionaires with enough money to affect global change like former Vice President Al Gore claiming population stabilization is the only way to combat global warming; Bill Gates lecturing on how we could save ten teachers’ jobs if we cut end-of-life care for grandma; and CNN-founder Ted Turner (who has five children of his own) talking about how everyone else should be forced to adhere to a one-child policy for 100 years to reduce the world down to 2 billion people.
Fearmongerer Gore stands to make billions off his global warming carbon tax initiatives should they pass; while Gore flies around in private jets and spends $30,000 a year in utility bills for his 20-room mansion, he basically wants to tax breathing for everyone else. Gates’ “charitable” foundation has a mission to “vaccinate the planet” — vaccination that he admitted will reduce the world’s population by 15 percent. Gates’ valiant mission recently left nearly 48,000 children paralyzed in India. Turner recently announced in a television appearance he thinks it’s “good” that record numbers of U.S. soldiers are committing suicide.
Notice all of these people are advocating population reduction, but none of them are personally volunteering to go first.
Al Gore, Bill Gates, Ted Turner, and others like them, are using their power, wealth, and influence to play God, but they are not gods; they are mere men who, because of their wealth and power, believe themselves to be above the rest of us. They believe they alone can make decisions on who is worthy to live and die. The eugenics agenda lives on, and the bought and controlled media continues to churn out propaganda telling us we have to die so that the Earth (and the elite) may live.
Every day we are being poisoned, robbed and lied to on a massive scale. We have to wake people up to what’s really going on here, before it’s too late.

Scientists offer quantum theory of soul's existence

A PAIR of world-renowned quantum scientists say they can prove the existence of the soul.
American Dr Stuart Hameroff and British physicist Sir Roger Penrose developed a quantum theory of consciousness asserting that our souls are contained inside structures called microtubules which live within our brain cells.
Their idea stems from the notion of the brain as a biological computer, "with 100 billion neurons and their axonal firings and synaptic connections acting as information networks".
Dr Hameroff, Professor Emeritus at the Departments of Anesthesiology and Psychology and Director of the Centre of Consciousness Studies at the University of Arizona, and Sir Roger have been working on the theory since 1996.
They argue that our experience of consciousness is the result of quantum gravity effects inside these microtubules - a process they call orchestrated objective reduction (Orch-OR).
In a near-death experience the microtubules lose their quantum state, but the information within them is not destroyed. Or in layman's terms, the soul does not die but returns to the universe.
Dr Hameroff explained the theory at length in the Morgan Freeman-narrated documentary Through the Wormhole, which was recently aired in the US by the Science Channel.
The quantum soul theory is now trending worldwide, thanks to stories published this week by The Huffington Post and the Daily Mail, which have generated thousands of readers comments and social media shares.
"Let's say the heart stops beating, the blood stops flowing, the microtubules lose their quantum state," Dr Hameroff said.
"The quantum information within the microtubules is not destroyed, it can't be destroyed, it just distributes and dissipates to the universe at large.

'If the patient is resuscitated, revived, this quantum information can go back into the microtubules and the patient says "I had a near death experience".'
In the event of the patient's death, it was "possible that this quantum information can exist outside the body indefinitely - as a soul".
Dr Hameroff believes new findings about the role quantum physics plays in biological processes, such as the navigation of birds, adds weight to the theory.

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Cop shoots 10-year-old boy with Taser for refusing to clean patrol car

“Career day" at Tularosa New Mexico Intermediate School went terribly wrong after a 10-year-old boy says a police officer used his Taser gun to show him what cops do to people who don’t follow orders.
Officer Chris Webb of the New Mexico Department of Public Safety is being sued in court after allegedly using his Taser-brand stun gun on a school playground to send 50,000 volts of electricity into a young boy’s body, forcing the child to blackout.
According to the complaint filed on behalf of the child, "Defendant Webb asked the boy, R.D., in a group of boys, who would like to clean his patrol unit,” when the officer came to the school earlier this year. "A number of boys said that they would. R.D., joking, said that he did not want to clean the patrol unit.”
Defendant Webb, the complaint suggests, responded by pointing his Taser at R.D. and saying, 'Let me show you what happens to people who do not listen to the police.'" The officer then allegedly fired two barbs from the device at the child’s chest, penetrating his shirt.
"Instead of calling emergency medical personnel, Officer Webb pulled out the barbs and took the boy to the school principal's office," the complaint continues. When he attempted to remove the weapon attached to his skin, though, the 100-pound child passed out. Since then, he has been left with scars that are described in court as resembling cigarette burns.
A representative for the child says the boy has been suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder since the incident occurred on May 4.
"The boy, R.D., has woken up in the middle of the night holding his chest, afraid he is never going to wake up again,”guardian ad litem Rachel Higgins tells the court.
"No reasonable officer confronting a situation where the need for force is at its lowest, on a playground with elementary age children, would have deployed the Taser in so reckless a manner as to cause physical and psychological injury,” Higgins adds.
Higgins is now suing the New Mexico Department of Public Safety and Officer Webb on behalf of the child in Santa Fe County Court, where she seeks punitive damages for the boy for battery, failure to render emergency medical care, excessive force, unreasonable seizure, and negligent hiring, training, supervision and retention, Courthouse News reports.

Who Bought Your Politician? Check With Our Embeddable Widget

Ask politicians whether campaign contributions influence their decisions, and they’ll tell you certainly not.
Ask any citizen, and they’ll likely give the opposite answer.
With that in mind, we’re re-introducing a web-based embeddable widget — for anybody to use — that lists the top 10 donors and their contributions to any member of the House and Senate, their opponents, and the presidential candidates. Wired updated the widget in conjunction with Maplight, the Berkeley, California-based nonprofit dedicated to following money and politics.
“Corporate influence in politics has gone off the charts, and it’s more important than ever for voters to understand who is financing candidates,” said Evan Hansen, editor in chief of “Maplight has done the hard work of compiling the data. At Wired, we’re happy to help get that information out to the wider public, and share it as broadly as possible with this web-based embeddable widget.”
The widget is free to steal and comes with a Creative Commons license. The widget displays a shadow outline of the politician adorned with NASCAR-style logos of some of the top donors giving that candidate money.
Maplight pulls down up-to-date campaign-financing figures from the Federal Election Commission, which are fed into a database so the widget stays current.
“In just a few weeks, voters will confront a ballot filled with candidates whose campaigns have been paid for by wealthy donors. People deserve to know the truth about whose interests their candidates are really representing,” said Daniel Newman, president and co-founder of MapLight. “We’re proud to work with Wired to give voters a tool they can use to draw back the curtain on the moneyed influence plaguing our political system.”
The widget shows where candidates are ranked in terms of how much money they’ve raked in compared to their peers. It also shows how they rank among all federal candidates.
President Barack Obama, for example, comes in first for presidential candidates, having garnered $201 million. His GOP rival, Mitt Romney, comes in second for presidential candidates with $150 million. Not surprisingly, the two rank first and second among all candidates for federal office.
When it comes to the top-10 donor lists, the total from each company or organization includes donations from individual workers and a firm’s Political Action Committee, if it has one. Goldman Sachs and its PAC has given Romney nearly $544,000 — Romney’s top contributor.
The largest contributors to the president were government employees, at more than $2 million.
The Supreme Court ruled in 2010 that the First Amendment prohibited the government from limiting contributions from unions and Political Action Committees to political campaigns that are independent of an individual’s campaign. Of note, however, the widget does not keep track these types of independent expenditures.
We introduced the first version of the widget in 2010, with Maplight’s help. But that one only listed incumbents and did not have challengers, unlike the new widget. The older version was viewed millions of times.
When we unveiled the original widget, we used it to produce a story about federal funding and a controversial helicopter — Follow the Money: Pork-Powered Pig Preps for Flight, which highlighted pay-to-play contributions to select politicians from defense firms hoping to win a contract to build the next Marine One, the president’s personal helicopter.
What we learned was something we suspected and knew all along: There is a correlation to politicians’ voting records and where they get their money.
And we’re giving away the widget to help you prove it in other cases, as well.

NaturalNews – Jonathan Benson – EU Nations Ban Novartis Influenza Vaccine After Dangerous Proteins Found

(NaturalNews) A handful of European Union (EU) member nations have banned several influenza vaccines manufactured by Swiss drug maker Novartis after agglomerations of small, white proteins were discovered floating in batch injections of the flu jabs Agrippal and Fluad, neither of which are sold in the U.S. According to the drug giant, both vaccines are allegedly still safe, but Germany, Spain, Switzerland, Austria, Italy, and France are not taking any chances, having all recently decided to block sales of the affected vaccines until more is known about the issue.
The tainted vaccines were first discovered in Italy, which prompted immediate action by the Italian government to ban not only Agrippal and Fluad, but also Influpozzi and adjuvanted Influpozzi. Following Italy’s decision, both Germany and Spain implemented their own bans, which prompted subsequent bans by Switzerland, France, and others. These decisions came as the European Medicines Agency (EMA), which evaluates the safety of drugs and vaccines approved centrally for use throughout the EU, announced that it would not lead an investigation into the safety of the vaccines, as they were all approved nationally rather than centrally.
Novartis has also released little information thus far about what the floating particles are, and how they might affect vaccine safety. The company, which has seen an increasing share of safety problems in recent years, offered duplicitous explanations concerning both issues, assuring the public that, even though it is unclear as to the contents of the particles, the affected vaccines are still somehow safe for public use.
Authorities in France, Italy, and elsewhere have also been repeating some of the same empty reassurances, despite their imposed bans. French Health Minister Marisol Touraine, for instance, made a public announcement claiming that none of the impurities had yet been found in vaccines distributed throughout France, and that there “is no known risk” for patients who have already received injections of the now-banned vaccines. The Swiss regulatory drug agency issued similar reassurances, adding that the white clumps are probably just “normal components of the vaccine.”
“Given the current unclear situation, Swissmedic has issued a halt to deliveries for the cited vaccines and recommends not using them until further notice,” added the agency.
Netherlands-based vaccine maker Crucell, which is owned by U.S. drug makerJohnson & Johnson (J&J), also reportedly halted an Italian shipment of 2.36 million doses of a different seasonal flu vaccine, Inflexal V, after two lots out of 32 failed quality control inspections. Crucell says it is holding deliveries of all its seasonal flu vaccines pending an internal investigation.
Sources for this article include:  link to original article

John Ward – Analysis – As Europe’s Progress Towards Silent Obedience Accelarates… Our Ruling Class Twiddles Its Thumbs

Now that democracy and freedoms are clearly disappearing right across Europe, I thought a brief Slog audit might be in order…purely for those who insist it is all a mountain fashioned from a mole-fart by Blogosphere fantasists.
Rewind first of all to those long-gone days when Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou still thought he was an equal member of a liberal democratic union of European States. French minister Francois Baroin has just released his memoirs about this period, and the bottom line is this: in November 2011, the then French President Nicolas Sarkozy and German Chancellor Angela Merkel told Papandreou that the Greek bailout would be scrapped if he went ahead with plans to hold a referendum on the austerity package demanded by the country’s lenders. Baroin notes:
“Papandreou sweats more, jumbles his words, then collapses. Cornered, he has no choice. I attend his political death live.”
This was merely the latest in a long series of attempts by Berlin-am-Brussels to subvert the EU Constitution, and tell the People to butt out. Not long afterwards, the severely unlikeable and swivel-eyed Wolfgang Schäuble went a step too far (for now at least) by saying that, following the bailout, the Greeks couldn’t have their general election. Even Sarkozy suggested he shut up at that point: but it doesn’t alter the fact that Wild Wolfie felt able to say it….and didn’t grasp what the fuss was about once he had.
Not a single eurozone referendum has been held since that time….a period during which both Italy and Greece had their democratic processes prorogued by unelected Goldman Sachs technicians, and another of the brood took over at the European Central Bank (ECB). Mario Draghi has since purged all those Board members he finds disagreeable, and concluded the illegal subordination of Greek bondholders. And finally, Germany (and this is Berlin and Frankfurt, not Brussels) has first posited and then driven the concept of a Fiskalunion, where the Finance boss will be….the very same Herr Schäuble from the previous paragraph.
The thoughtless humiliation of George Papandreou led to the ascendancy of the incorrigibly corrupt Evangelos Venizelos, a man who has done more than any other to remove the Greek faith in liberal democratic politics. As a result, his Party PASOK has seen a collapse in support, reflected in turn by rapid growth in the more radical Left under Alexis Tsipras, and the further embedding of Golden Dawn into the country’s police and parliamentary structures.
Although until recently distracted by the ominous rise of Nazism in Wiltshire, The Guardian has at last caught on to the real thing being available to write about in Athens. It pains me to say this, but their coverage of the Golden Dawn phenomenon is spot on, well-informed and realistically expressed with a minimum of strained polemic syntax. The Slog posted about this a fortnight ago, basing the piece on direct experiences of real people both high and low in Greek society. It is as plain as a pikestaff that the European Union is now relying on Fascist police repression to get its work done – the repression being carried out by the very group that most hates the EU and all its works.
What’s obvious now, however, is that the process of shutting down discontent in the eurozone is accelerating. In the last week alone:
* Two presenters on Greek State TV were censored for criticising the torture used by police (aka Golden Dawn).
* The journalist Costas Vaxevanis was detained by police for publishing the names on the norious Lagarde list of those in the Greek elite evading tax, and histrial for invasion of privacy will begin on November 1st (Thursday this week). He faces a year in jail and a €35,000 fine.
* The Troika of Technocrats agreed a deal with Yannis Stournoras a week last Sunday, reneged on it last Friday, and the EU’s FinMin will now discuss whether Greece gets a further bailout. Objections from Samaras about the double-cross were steamrollered, and he in turn drove another flattening vehicle over the boneless form of Venizelos. Not a single Greek elected representative has been allowed any say whatsoever in the process.
* Yesterday Greek police stood accused of using one protester as a human shield against rioting citizens.
* I am receiving increasing numbers of emails from Greek sources alleging that the EU is strongarming Government statisticians into falsifying figures – especially export figures. As fiddling numbers is a national pastime, I would imagine not that strong a twist on the arm was necessary.
Berlin-am-Brussels knows exactly what conditions it’s creating here. But it remains ruthlessly focused on The Great Project, and determined to drag everyone else along even if freedom dies during the journey. Now we have Prime Minister Antonis Samaras also stripped of the negligee of dignity that was his before all this started, the Greek coalition in disarray, politics veering towards the extreme edges, and every likelihood that – at the last minute – the EU FinMins will withhold the next tranche of aid – because the IMF insists the Greeks will need a third bailout by the Spring.
There are two conclusions any empiricist must draw from this sorry business. First, the Germano-Belgian-Goldman Sachs axis – the real Troika running the EU – has no respect at all for the Law, press freedoms, dire social consequences, politically neutral police, national sovereignty or democratic rights of its Member States or their creditors. While the bullying approach is well personified by the peevish frown Frau Doktor Merkel affects, the uncaring cold-fish bureaucratic crypto-Nazism of this forced march to the Fiskal Union of silk and money is most exactly reflected in the idiotically obedient features of Herman Van Rompuy.
A number of German commentators (and threaders) find my allegedly anti-German satire unattractive, but if the cap fits, then Berlin must wear it I’m afraid. What we are witnessing here is the brazen replacement of flawed democracy with a form of insouciant technocracy that would’ve rendered Reinhard Heydrich tumescent. The Germans are leading this charge, and a coterie of Belgian fools are their collaborators.
One wonders at what ‘stage’ David Cameron would deign to grant such a thing to we his subjects. But setting that aside as yet another imponderable in Camerlot, let me offer two consequences that are far from unseeable as a result of the Westminster and Whitehall determination to ignore the popular will.
First, the British Establishment’s continuing inability to see the ten-foot writing on this wall is now getting beyond a political issue and heading towards a constitutional crisis. This is because they too are choosing to ignore every last indication from opinion polls: surveys that consistently suggest a very clear majority in the Country for departure from the European Union at the first opportunity.
It seems that the Prime Minister is perfectly happy to grant a referendum to Alex Salmond about the break-up of the United Kingdom (I don’t see any sign of anyone consulting the rest of the Union about this, by the way) but unwilling to even countenance “at this stage” a plebiscite offering the plebs – if I may apply the Mitchellian argothere – the chance to say what they obviously will: leave the EU now before it’s too late.
Second, it is very clear to those of us playing with a full sack of marbles that, when (not if) the brutal insanity of the eurocrats finally delivers a Europe of scorched earth and drowned rights, the immediate effect upon Blighty is going to be a banking and fiscal disaster of near unimaginable proportions. There will be no shortage of people at that point helping shocked and impoverished knuckle-draggers to the conclusion that bonkers EU migration and currency hubris accelerated the demise started off by mad bankers.  Those same people will also point out that the entire British Establishment went along with all of it. Not only that, they actively colluded in using our money to save these dysfunctionally greedy institutions…and banning us from having a say in EU Membership….just as they banned our ability to influence a lunatic immigration policy before that.
Words like ‘traitor’, ‘coward’ and ‘corrupt’ will start being bandied about.
From Day One, the senior UK Coalitionistas have believed that EU membership was at best an issue to be avoided where possible, and at worst – God forbid – something that could split the Tory Party. They have never seen it as a game-changer. They were wrong then, and they are wrong now. link to original article